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What will HR look like in 2024?

Here's the key themes for people teams in 2024. Have you got them covered in your people strategy?

It looks like the HR landscape will continue to be shaped by tech advancements, changing workforce dynamics, and a greater focus on employee well-being. Here’s some themes that are emerging in the HR space for 2024.

1. AI – It’s anticipated there will be a significant increase in the use of AI and automation in HR processes. From applicant screening and onboarding to performance management and learning and development, AI tools will streamline tasks, improve accuracy, and enhance efficiency. I’m attending an AI event at PWC this month and will feedback any useful insight in next month’s newsletter.

2. Employee Experience: While employee engagement has been a top priority the focus is now shifting towards employee experience. In 2024, HR departments will invest more in creating a positive work environment that fosters employee well-being, growth, and development.

3. Gig Economy Integration: Companies will hire more freelancers, contractors, and remote workers to tap into specialised skills and maintain a flexible workforce. HR professionals will need to develop strategies to effectively manage and integrate gig workers into the organisational culture and ensure fair treatment and engagement.

4. Data-Driven Decision Making: With the rise of technology, data has become more accessible and valuable than ever before. HR professionals in 2024 will heavily rely on data analytics to drive decision making. HR professionals will need to upskill themselves in analysing data and leveraging it to form a competitive HR strategy.

5. Enhanced Focus on Mental Health: The well-being of employees is no longer just confined to physical wellness. Mental health has gained prominence, and HR departments are paying closer attention to this essential aspect of employee well-being.


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