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What's in a name?

Have you noticed that 'Human Resources' is rebranding itself as 'People & Culture'? Can it have a measurable impact? Yes, it can...

The difference between the two? Human Resources is a service role which focuses on administration, performance, and recruitment. People & Culture is more of a holistic & leadership role with people and employee experience firmly at its core. The ultimate aim? Create a working environment so good that employees not only thrive but they actually love and value their job for reasons beyond money.

Here's some suggestions on how to transition from a transactional HR mindset to a strategic and consultative people and culture approach.

Develop connections across your business

Assign People partners to specific business units to support leaders and team members across those areas. That way they gain a deeper understanding of the business goals that drive each unit and team member. Rather than employees and leaders reaching out to get information from HR, People Partners are going out into the business to build partnerships, looking for opportunities to make an impact rather than sitting on the sidelines waiting for requests.

Listen and gather data

Strong People & Culture teams use employee engagement surveys, stand ups, town halls and individual listening sessions to stay attuned to the business and the workforce. The data collected is used not only to fine-tune programs and tools but to provide strategic guidance to managers and leaders as they work to cultivate a strong, connected workforce.

Create a strong employee value proposition (EVP)

Purpose is key for employees to understand the 'why' behind the work they are doing; they want an employment value proposition (EVP).

A strong people and culture business can and should help the business define that big “why” and build an authentic EVP that attracts and retains talent. This is a critical component of people and culture work that will sustain the talent required to drive growth.

Are you ready to join the People and Culture Movement? It's time to embrace your business strategy and keep everything you do (administrative or not) true to your unique workplace culture.


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