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Trends shaping talent acquisition in 2023

We've been speaking to our network of talent acquisition experts to hear their plans for attracting and retaining the best people for their business in 2023. Despite talk of economic uncertainty, it looks like the dynamic talent market experienced in 2022 will continue into 2023. HR tech, diverse hiring, candidate experience and employer brand are still on the HR agenda this year. But we're hearing of new talent acquisition priorities. Here's a taster of what 2023 has in store.

1. Internal mobility 🪜

Despite the threat of recession, employees are still thinking of leaving their jobs in the next 12 months. But is there another way? Could a new opportunity in their current company entice them to stay. Internal mobility looks set to be a key focus in 2023. Recognising how difficult and expensive it can be to hire talent, HR teams are looking at retention and internal development opportunities to retain people and fill skills gaps. It's envisaged that employees in 2023 will be given much greater freedom of movement and career ownership within their company. The headache for talent experts seems to be enablement. How do you know what skills people have, what they want to do? What are the business priorities, what skills are required? How do you reward people and use technology effectively? In fact, what we're hearing is less about the enabling tech & tools, successful internal mobility seems to be heavily linked to culture and changing manager mindsets. This is definitely a hot topic for HR teams this year.

In our next blog, we'll be exploring some of the steps you can take to mobalise people internally and what tech is currently available on the market.

2. Making a comeback ✨

Our talent acquisition network are seeing a rise in so-called "boomerang employees”. As the name suggests, these are people who previously quit in the midst of the Great Resignation but who could be interested in returning. Recruiters and hiring managers should not ignore this small but important talent group. After all, they already know the company and they’re in a perfect position to slot back in with minimal training. Very often they have acquired new skills and knowledge which can prove invaluable. But consider a return carefully. Ensure they were a 'good. leaver' and that the reason for leaving in the first place has been addressed.

3. We're in it together 🤝

The relationship between talent acquisition and talent management has always been an interesting one. It's where the external talent lens meets the internal one and sometimes it's not always a joined up approach. Our HR network see these roles being much more closely aligned in 2023. In some companies, we're hearing that Talent Acquisition Managers are rebranding as Talent Managers supporting across the entire employee lifecycle. There's plenty of benefits in integrating these roles, improved employee experience, a more connected employee journey, improved retention and better internal mobility.

4. Preserving a healthy workplace culture 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

At yohrs, we are big advocates of a positive workplace culture and building companies people want to work for. This year, your workplace culture priorities will determine whether your company thrives or fails. Despite evidence that companies are pulling back on remote working, it's likely the trend for some home working will continue in 2023, with hybrid working becoming the norm. But working from home has brought it's challenges. We are hearing that some teams are starting to work in silos driving down morale. Camaraderie & teamwork seem to be on the decline and leaders are struggling to manage the new landscape. This is where talent acquisition has a key role to play. They give candidates their first glimpse of culture. This is where a clear EVP (Employer Value Proposition) and a selection & assessment process that aligns to company values is essential. Talent acquisition teams can make a difference during the pre-boarding process. Sending video messages, pre-boarding information and welcome packs can start things off on the right foot—and ensure the right cultural fit to support remote working.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be exploring these topics in more detail kicking off with internal mobility. For help and advice with your talent acquisition strategy or internal talent process, please contact us at

Alternatively, if you are looking to source the right talent for your business, please contact us at for an informal chat.

The yohrs Team


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