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How inclusive are your job descriptions?

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

Recruiting talent is a top priority for a lot of businesses in 2022 yet, recruiting diverse candidates, still remains a challenge. As companies promote a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion why are they still recycling old job descriptions with language that is outdated and exclusive?

Read our tips on creating inclusive job descriptions to help you attract diverse talent.

Lead with inclusive language

A well written job description is one that speaks to diverse applicants while being specific about the skillsets required. Leading with thoughtful and inclusive language shows candidates you’re an inclusive workplace that considers all applicants regardless of gender, background, disability

· Replace gender specific pronouns such as he or she with you or they

· Eliminate gender-coded terms such as ninja, rock star, competitive, patient, guru or nurturing, to name a few

· Use sites such as Textio to identify bias

· Ensure job ads are jargon-free and easy to read with simple terms, especially for people with dyslexia or autism

Ditch the superficial requiements

An inclusive job description is more than altering the language. It’s also evaluating the skills and requirements of the position. Every requirement line in your job description is another line of exclusion and can reduce your talent pool. For example, asking for a graduate/university degree when equivalent experience would be adequate.

Focus on behaviours/performance objectives and what a person needs to be able to do and achieve. By doing this, you’ll attract candidates with diverse backgrounds and skills.

Promote your workplace culture and sense of belonging

Job descriptions should clearly communicate the ethos and core values of the company. Companies should be transparent about their perks and benefits including salary information. These factors can play a significant role in determining the diversity of your candidates. Highlighting them in your job descriptions can help promote your culture while creating a welcoming opportunity for applicants.

Keep your own bias in check

Unconsciously, people look for people who are similar to them. Attracting diverse talent is more than updating your job descriptions. It requires commitment, education, and listening. Hiring managers can become more self-aware of their own bias through training and feedback to improve job description language and hiring practices.

If you would like a review of your current job descriptions or support creating more inclusive job descriptions, get in touch or


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